Review Top Trap Cosplay Pretty Boy Dressed Haoge
Jika hidup itu ibarat kopi, mungkin pahit rasanya. Tapi bukan berarti kita tidak bisa berfikir untuk membuat kopi itu menjadi manis untuk dinikmati. Carilah sesuatu yang bisa menjadikan hidup itu menjadi manis, bukankah soal rasa hanya masing-masing dari kita yang menciptakannya?Selamat menikmati Hidup :-)
Otaku would be familiar with his name Coplay, cosplay we know is when a person wearing clothing, accessories, and make-up of the same or similar to the characters in the anime, manga, idol, and in video games. Previous cosplay still transfixed by gender where if cosplayernya men will surely find characters Idol male sex is also to be displayed, and vice versa for female cosplayers. But in recent years the scope of cosplay is growing so rapidly proliferated globally in many countries and several competitions related to Coplay often held then scrape any gender differences in the world of cosplay, so cosplayer free expression wearing apparel, accessories and menatarias themselves as leaders which are preferably without the burden of gender differences. It then becomes a unique thing that was interesting because men are usually handsome woman can be beautiful face and a beautiful face women who could become man handsome.
This time I will share Trap Cosplay Top Pretty Boy dressed according to my own judgment.
# 2. Haoge豪歌
See Also: Review Top Trap Cosplay Pretty Boy Dressed Hana