Review dan Synopsis Chrisye 2017

Jika hidup itu ibarat kopi, mungkin pahit rasanya. Tapi bukan berarti kita tidak bisa berfikir untuk membuat kopi itu menjadi manis untuk dinikmati. Carilah sesuatu yang bisa menjadikan hidup itu menjadi manis, bukankah soal rasa hanya masing-masing dari kita yang menciptakannya?

Selamat menikmati Hidup :-)

Movie Title: Christophe 

Director: Rizal Mantovani 

Scriptwriter: Alim Studio 

Producer: Lukman Sardi 

Genre: Drama, Musical 

Sensor Rating: PG 

Active: TBA 2017 

Cinematography: Not Available Current <TBA> 

Music Composer: Not Available Current <TBA> 

Film Editing: Not Available Current <TBA> 

Production House: MNC Pictures, Vito Global Vision 

Distributor: Not Available Current <TBA> 

Indonesian country 


Players Film: Vino G Bastian as Christophe, more Not Available Current <TBA> 

The film tells the life of music legend Indonesia Christophe. According to Lukman Sardi, this film is not a biography, but rather to the drama of life taken from Christophe figure. Studio Alim scriptwriting for working with the late wife Damayanti Noor Christophe. 

I was also one pengemar Christophe and Vino G Bastian, associated Musical Drama genre movie, I want to see Vino G Bastian Singing in this film that could be the song "If Heaven and Hell Never There". However, to date there has been no further information on this subject. 

After finding interest and talent in playing music. It is not easy to be a quiet person throughout his life. Ever since he was a teenager, Christophe continued to defy orders from his father, who wanted that he became an engineer.Christophe secretly started playing to prove to his father, that music is a choice in life. Despite its popularity has been obtained by Christophe, but the anxiety in itself is never lost. 
Christophe uneasy feeling began to subside, when he met and married Yanti. He then went to the Banjar, to see his master. This journey is one of the most important part in the spiritual life. Search of a meaning and the meaning of life that makes the Christophe created a song called "When the Hands and Feet Say" 

Information : 
The film, titled Christophe is the result of original written specifically by Alim Studio as a screenwriter in the film.The film will begin production in early 2017 has a setting time since the introduction of Christophe with Damayanti Noor until the end of his life. 

Trailer Not Available Current <TBA> 
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